Week commencing 21st May
Our Learning next week
Our topic for this term is called ”Temples, Tombs and Treasures’ linked to our HISTORY curriculum about Ancient Egypt.
Your child has taken home a homework sheet to cover the homework for the whole half term. Please choose another activity to complete for homework this week. We have had some fantastic work so far! I have attached an electronic copy of the homework below in case the paper copy is lost Homework-Egyptians
In English, we will continue developing our narrative writing with our text The Firemaker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. Next week we will be boxing up the chapter about Lila’s meeting with Razvani the Fire Fiend, starting to create our own villain and working towards writing our own fiery scene. Please feel free to read along with your child. Copies can be bought for £3.99 at the Book People.
In Maths, we will be continuing work on time and using timetables before moving on to statistics, revising bar charts, pictograms and tables. It would be helpful if children could practise telling the time in both analogue and digital and twelve and twenty-four hour time and also using money to improve their coin recognition. Please encourage your child to use Mathletics to revise these skills along with games on free websites like
We have also started to use a mental Maths game called Daily 10 which you can find a link to below
In P.E sessions, we will be starting athletics and a dance/aerobics unit. P.E will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, please ensure your child has their kit for every lesson. In addition to this we will continue to run the Daily Mile to help promote the fitness of our children.
As I’m sure you all know, reading daily is essential in helping your child progress with reading and writing. Please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as your child’s school reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. Remember that your child can keep a book for as long as they need in order to finish it. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent and competent reader.
Well done to all children who were awarded a merit card this week, Yuliana, Gabi V and Atif!
In other news, Mrs Adams will no longer be covering Millennium class during my planning time out of class. As of Tuesday, Mrs Grundey will be covering the class once a week. We of course wish to send Mrs Adams off to maternity leave with all our support and best wishes!
Next week is national Walk to School Week. We will be giving children a walk to school diary to complete with daily activities, they will be able to see their progress on a wall chart and there is a prize draw which can be entered by planting the sunflower seeds we will also be sending home. It is recommended that all children are active for at least 60 minutes per day and walking to school can be part of that.
Thank you, as always, for the support you have shown for our royal themed afternoon. The children looked amazing and had lots of fun. Thank you also to Princess Raya and Prince Eddie who were good sports about being our ‘royal couple’ for the afternoon.
School photos are taking place on Friday 25th May