Week commencing 6th June
Apologies for not updating this blog for a few weeks, as you know I have not been at school. Thank you all for your good wishes. It is great to be back and see you all again!
Here is a break down of what we will be covering in Blackfriars this week:
Maths– We will be spending this week on mental strategies for addition and subtraction.
English– We will be starting a unit of work on newspaper reports using the book The Roman Record and will work towards writing our own newspaper reports about events in Rome.
Reading– We will continue to enjoy our class story The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and we will continue Guided Reading sessions in small groups.
PE– We will be starting a unit on African dance and also doing some circuits to practise our athletic skills before sports day.
Topic– We will be continuing our topic about the Romans. We will learn a bit about them, their culture, religion and lifestyle and then begin to look at the Roman invasion of Britain.
PSHE- We will be continuing to think about relationships and teamwork, working together and how to get along.
RE- We will be starting to learn about Hinduism.
Well done to the blue table who won the table points competition last half term.
Additional information
Please continue to encourage your child to read every day and continue to practise their multiplication tables and telling the time.