Week commencing 8th October
Please find an update about what we will be learning in Millennium next week;
English- We will be continuing to read Robin Hood by Marcia Williams. Our focus for this week is retelling a section of the story with actions and boxing up the key events in preparation for writing our own version. We will be moving on to adding our own innovations, concentrating on planning with a coherent plot and strong beginning, middle and end to the story.
Reading- All children should be reading at home every day and handing their record books in each day to be checked. They will be reading in guided groups with an adult at least once each week.
Maths- We are revising place value. We will be moving on to addition and subtraction. We will begin by revising the Year 3 objectives before moving on to adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers with exchanging.
In addition to this, all children need to be practising the multiplication tables as one of the Year 4 objectives is know the tables and related division facts to 12×12. There will be a weekly test in class.
There is a free interactive game we use often in class as a starter which children can also access at home. Please find the link below;
Topic- Our topic for the Autumn term is Vikings and Anglo- Saxons. We will be learning about the cultures of both the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. This week we are very excited to have our Viking visitor in school. On Tuesday, all children should dress in costume and will participate in a day long workshop.
Science- Our focus this term is teeth and digestion. We will be looking at the types of teeth and learning about their function.
The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.
Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system
Mrs Forde will be providing PPA cover on a Thursday morning, teaching RE and Spelling.
Homework- Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday each week. The children will be expected to read every day and practise their multiplication tables in addition to other work that is given. This week I have asked the children to log on to Mathletics and complete the assigned tasks and to complete a research task, finding out about a famous person who has contributed to equality and anti-discrimination. They may present their findings in any way they wish and have until the 19th of October to complete this task . They are then free to explore the rest of Mathletics if they wish and can follow the link to Spellodrome.
Successes- Well done to Holly who received a Privilege Card this week.
Other news-
If you have not yet returned your child’s parent’s evening letter, please do so as soon as possible. There are now no available slots for Wednesday 10th October.
The above link will allow you to check your appointment time for parent’s evening and see which slots are still available.
We will be having a Viking dress up day on 9th October along with an exciting Viking visitor joining us for the day.
Don’t worry about providing expensive costume. See link for ideas.