Week commencing Monday 5th June 2017

Hello! We hope you all have a well-deserved break over the half-term! We have been working very hard in Hungerford Class and are pleased to have finished our SATs!

DON’T FORGET: Monday 5th June is an INSET day. Children return to school on Tuesday 6th.

Our final half term is going to be an exciting and busy one!

Our key learning objectives for the first week back will be as follows:

Maths: we will be recapping multiplication and division and finding fractions of amounts.

Literacy: we will be continuing to work on diary entries from the time of The Plague for another week.

SPaG- we will be recapping spelling rules and how to accurately use apostrophes for possession.

Science- Our science topic this term is living things and their habitats. We will be continuing to look at how the human body works and the ways in which animals adapt to their surroundings.

Our new topic is ‘Hooray! Let’s Go On Holiday!’ which has lots of links with history, art, geography and PSHE.

PE: to be confirmed.

RE- we will be looking at Judaism in the summer term.

Music- Year 2 will continue to have ministrings on Friday afternoons. Please remember to collect your child from the dining hall on this day.

Important information/ dates

Monday 5th June: INSET day

Tuesday 6th June: children return to school.

Week beginning 12th June: healthy schools week. We will be sending out more information.

Saturday 17th June: Summer Fayre

Tuesday 27th June: whole school photo at Whitgift School

Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children