Welcome to Year Four
The children have settled well into year 4 and we are looking forward to our first full week of teaching.
- In Mathematics lessons, we will be introducing 4 digit numbers (numbers from 1000-9999) and the thousands column, exploring and applying our understanding of place value to include thousand numbers.
- We will be starting a non-fiction unit-Explanation texts in our daily English lessons, exploring how to write in order to explain processes. We will be beginning our spelling work looking at ‘au’ and ‘augh’ words such as astronaut and naughty. Following our school policy, we will not be sending home spelling lists to learn for a test but will be learning spellings at school by looking for patterns and exploring spelling rules. We will regularly send home spelling learning consolidation homework activities as well as posting hyperlinks to good spelling games to keep you abreast of the speling expectations in our blogs
- In our topic time, we will be starting our new topic Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will be asking questions to establish what we want to learn about and what we already know.
- During Science lessons, we will be starting a unit learning about teeth and the digestive system in animals and humans.
- In PE sessions, we will be working on invasion games and circuits. After the success of our mile a day run during Health week, we will be incorporating physical exercise daily into our timetable from this week so please ensure your child always has their p.e kits at school.
It is important that your child brings their reading book and record to school every day to read during quiet reading time. Every time your child reads at home they will earn points for their class teams. The child who reads most during the week or who improves the most will be our class reader of the week and will have the class trophy to take home for the week to celebrate. Southwark’s reader of the first 3 days was Harley. Well done Harley!
Children should revise their multiplication and division facts for all times table up to 12×12 at home as this is a key requirement for year 4. There will be weekly assessments to encourage their progress.
Please come and talk to any member of our year 4 team if you have any further questions or if you would like to just come and introduce yourselves.