What is the Yellow Zone?

On Monday , May 23rd, children and staff took part in our Zones of Regulation Assembly.

We looked at the Yellow Zone.

What feelings belong to this zone?


What behaviours might we display when we are in the Yellow Zone? What tools can we use to help us or others?



We also looked at the physical signs of a yellow feeling like worry and anxiety. We discovered that Worry and Anxiety can feel like a tummy ache, uncomfortable pressure in our tummy area, heavy head or a headache, tension in our bodies. Worry and Anxiety can also cause for our words to get stuck or make a stammer worse.


We focused on understanding what stammer is and how we can put into practice care and consideration. We used the video below.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=je7mlAzyD7A http://

We ended the assembly by looking at famous celebrities in the arts, sports, maths and politics including singer Gareth Gates, golfer Tiger Woods, mathematician Alan Turing , USA President Jo Biden and King George VI, the father of Queen Elisabeth II.




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