Year 4 Easter Break!
Well done for all your amazing work over the past two weeks Year 4. It has been wonderful to see how hard you are all working and to be able to share your fantastic work with us on Class Dojo!
You may be aware that Monday is the start of the Easter holidays. We believe that you all deserve your Easter break and so we are suspending our daily learning blog for the next two weeks. We will resume our daily blog on Monday 20th April.
If you wish to continue your learning during this time, feel free to look back over previous blogs for tasks you have missed or wish to try again. Of course, TT Rockstars, Mathletics, Get Epic and Fiction Express all remain available to you and reading remains an important part of your learning. We have also included an Easter Bingo sheet of activities you might like to try with your families which you could share with us on Class Dojo. Easter Activity Bingo
We hope that you get an opportunity to enjoy the sunny weather which is predicted for the Easter break while still keeping safe with your family.
Stay well and happy and check back on the blog on Monday 20th April!
Year 4 Team-Miss Danzey and Miss Turpie