Year 4 News Week beginning 8.2.21

Hello Year 4,

I can’t believe we have got to the end of the half term already! It has simply flown by and you have all worked so hard. We are really impressed with all the amazing work that has been submitted. Thank you all.

Our learning for this week;

English- we are continuing with our work relating to The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and will be learning the rest of the story this week.

Maths- we are continuing our work on fractions including adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

Geography – we will be considering the vegetation which grows in the different climates of the world.

Science- we will be exploring the pitch and frequency of sound waves.

Spanish- share a story

ICT- continue working on your coding skills in scratch

RE- we will be learning about the Muslim Holy Book

Music- practising reading and clapping how many beats are in a bar.

There will be a live story sharing session with Miss Danzey on Wednesday at 11.30 am and a Merit Assembly at 9.15 on Thursday. The meeting codes will be shared just before the lessons as always.

There will be no home learning on Friday 12th February as this is an inset day.

As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us on the Google Classroom stream or via the year group email

A suggested timetable is attached below. Don’t worry if you can’t manage all the tasks, just try to do a little each day and please do share your work with us. We love to see it!

Once again, thank you for all our hard work and support this half term.

Happy remote learning!

The Year 4 Team

Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 8.2.21