Year 5 – 3rd week – 15th June 2020

Hello and welcome back to another exciting week of learning.

I can’t believe it is …

Sports Week - Notts TV News | The heart of Nottingham news ...


Throughout the week, please make sure that you cover a range of activities which can be found here:

For each activity, the children have 60 seconds to complete as many reps of the activity as they can. The aim of the week is to beat your personal best. The .pdf documents that explain the activities have Bronze, Silver and Gold targets for you to get to. There is a corresponding section on the tracking sheet to tick off which level/medal you have achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Furthermore, the tracking sheet also includes extra daily challenges for you to choose from. I can’t believe it, but on Thursday there is an opportunity to dress up as your favourite character whilst practising.

Have fun.

With regards to our learning, during the next weeks, things here will be slightly different as we are partially going back to school and are therefore more limited with our time. You will notice that there are some contents for the next days already, but please stick to the days like we did in the past. Also, in Maths we are going to switch to using the fabulous lessons from the “National Academy“ (Oak), so you simply watch/follow their lessons and complete the tasks set in those lessons.

In Science, due to the fact that we are not in school together, we have decided to move the topic “Animals and Humans“ into the next school year. This is needed, because the topic is connected with PSHE which we need to teach in person, but cannot do at the moment.

Anything else should be “business as usual“.

As the timetable is quite light, please make sure to complete the “Virtual Sportsweek“ challenges on a daily basis.

Enjoy your learning.

Year 5

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Homework[/dropshadowbox]

  • Please just use the time over the weekend to catch up with any tasks you haven‘t yet done.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter: There will not be a starter today.

  • Main Task 1: Follow lesson 2 on “Describing position after translation“ (b) and complete the integrated tasks.


  • Main Task 2: Complete the family Maths challenge.

English:  Floodland – Session 9;

Class-Novel Reading:

  • We have now reaching part 9 of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 9: Jack Will; Mr Browne‘s October precept; Apples; Halloween; School Pictures).

      • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

        • Describe how Jack and August‘s friendship is developing.

        • What would you mix together to squirt at the rude kids? (Can you “up-level“ Jack‘s suggested mix of slug juice and dog pee?)

        • What would you have written in response to Mr Browne‘s October Precept: “Your deeds are your monuments.“?

        • When is August‘s birthday and when exactly was he born?

        • How was August‘s birthday this year different to normal years?

        • What do we learn from Julian‘s reaction to August‘s birthday invitation about him and his family?

        • What is Summer‘s favourite book (especially when she was younger)?

        • What does Summer like best about August?

        • What do you have an aversion or phobia to?

ICT: I can stay safe online.


  • Follow the second lesson in our new Topic “En classe“ using the home-learning log-in from language-angels.

  • Please simply …

    • go to

    • click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side

    • click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1986 pw: lahome

    • choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)

    • complete “En classe“ – Lesson 2.

  • There are extra Dojo points for children who submit an audio of their practising via Class Dojo.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]

Here is a quick “Music-note“ to start with.

Thank you sooooooooooo much to everyone who has done their music and submitted work to Mr Regan via Seesaw. That really makes us so incredibly proud of you.

As I am writing this, he is putting more things onto Making Music for you to do/play with in your “Music / artistic time“. If you fancy more music, check this out:

Maths Starters

                                      Mild/Hot                           Hotter/Hottest

 Maths Main Activity 

Describing position after Translation.Pleaase follow the link and send in your answers


ENGLISH Floodlands  Session 8

letter Writing to ZoeThursday literacy

Chapter 1   

Chapter 2



Chapter 5


Class-Novel Reading:

  • Here is your next section of “Wonder“ read by the two Rinkes.

  • Please listen to the 8th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 8: One to Ten; Padawan; September)

      • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

        • How do you give your parents feedback when they ask you about how your day was? Have you also got a scale of 1-10 or another system?

        • Name at least 2 things that you think have really surprised August‘s mum about his first day at school. Why do you think those things surprised her so much?

        • Share your opinion on August‘s comment about him and Summer being like “Beauty and the beast“. Describe how you felt when you first heard him say that.

        • Which symbol shows that August is changing and also that things are really affecting August‘s emotions?

        • Describe the relationship between August and his dad.

        • Explain how the relationship between August and mum very different to the one between him and dad.

        • How did August feel about the other children‘s reactions when he bumped into other children?

        • Explain what a Wookiee is.


Journey of life;Special Moments

Use the notebook to explore this subject.

Special moments PDF


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]

First of all: Let’s read the news! I will do the same this morning.




Mild/Hot                                       Hotter/Hottest

Maths Main Activity

Describing position and  Coordinates

This is closely related to a subject we studied together in maths. Please follow the link below and  send me your results in Class Dojo.

English Session 7 ; Book Talk

  • SpaG starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.

Class-Novel Reading:

  • Today, there is only a short session of the class-novel reading/listening.

  • Please listen to the 7th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 7: …)

      • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

        • Explain what is special about lunch in Middle school?

        • How does August know that people talk about him?

        • Explain what a cleft palate is.

        • Describe Summer‘s character.

        • Explain how Summer is a special character.


    • I was a bit sad to see that not many people had done some music work on Seesaw.

    • This week, please have a proper push for it and complete at least one more activity and then submit it.

    • Have you completed the activities on Making Music? If the answer is no again, then please complete at least one (That is now a total of 2.):

    • Remember, Mr Regan and his colleagues have spent valuable time preparing all the activities for us!


Geography: After those wonderful coverpages, today, I would like you to look at two key aspects related to rivers.

  • Firstly, please explore the Rivers of the UK and the Rivers of the World.

      • Hot: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source and mouth in the tables.

      • Hotter: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source, mouth and one key city (UK) / the countries in the table.

      • Hottest: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source, mouth and more than one key city (UK) / all countries on its course in the table.

  • Secondly, recap what you know about the driving force of all rivers, the Water-Cycle.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter

mild/Hot                                                 Hotter/Hottest

Main ActivityDescribing Translation. please follow this link and carry out the activity. Send me your results.


  • SPAG Starter:

Main Lesson: Session 6 Floodlands.

    • Today you will be Hot-Seating as Zoe.Please ask a family member to help you. Maybe they  can ask you the questions. Or even film you !
    • Please also share your 5 or more questions and send them in via Dojo with your answers as Zoe.
    • First, listen to the next part of the story:
    • Next use the notebook to help you create 5 or more opened ended questions to be asked as Zoe.


Class-Novel Reading:

    • Please listen to the 6th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 6: Around the Room; Lamb to the slaughter; Choose kind),


      Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

        1. Tell me 2 things that you think everyone needs to know about you.

        2. What are 5 things you learn about August in these chapters?

        3. Why is August upset about the Darth Sidious reference?

        4. Share your opinion on Julian‘s behaviour/reference?

        5. What was the subject of the next lesson?

        6. Describe the teacher. Name at least 3 things about his appearance and character.

        7. Explain the word “Precept“.

        8. What kind of person are you? Describe and explain.

        9. Share your opinion on Mr Brown‘s first Precept: When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.

        10. What influence did the lesson have on August? Explain, please.


Science: I can describe and explain how igneous rock is formed.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Monday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:

English:   Can you visualize a location from the story, draw an annotated  Onepicture to describe the scene from  ‘one’

use this notebook to help you  monday English   listen  here

  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

  • Main: …

Class-Novel Reading:

Please listen to the 5th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 5: Home, p. 33; First day jitters, p. 35; Locks, p. 37)

Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

    1. What is the name of August‘s dog?

    2. Explain why August is sad.

    3. Explain what it means when we called Julian “two-faced“.

    4. How did the parents‘ opinion about August going to school changed after the visit?

    5. What type of “block“ does August normally avoid when going to different places?

    6. What is the name of August‘s neighbourhood?

    7. Why is everyone nervous on that day?

    8. What does the type of hug August gave mum tell us about his feelings?

    9. What is the similarity between August‘s and Bradley‘s place in the classroom?

    10. Give the name of 5 different children in August‘s class.

    11. What short, but very clear impression to we get about Miles? Give evidence from the text.

    12. What is the comical element of Mrs Petosa saying that children forget their locker combination about 3.2 times per semester? Explain.

    13. Share your opinion of Henry‘s behaviour.


  • Let‘s get practical … and a bit crazy today. Have fun while following the lesson below.

  • Here are the links if they don‘t work from the slide/file: Su2-Wk3-DT 01 contraption

