Year Four Home Learning Blog Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

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Here is your home learning for the week:

Remember do a little each day and don’t feel that you need to get everything completed[/dropshadowbox]

English-Our English work this week is really topical and I hope you will enjoy it.

Have you seen in the news recently that statues of slave owners and those who made their money through the slave trade are being pulled down? If you want to find out more check out Newsround’s coverage aimed at children your age.

Monday 22nd June– Listen to the story Henry’s Freedom Box.

Order the events described. Answer questions about the story. Year 4 Week 10 Day 1

Day 2 – Listen to two versions of the story. Read extracts and then answer questions. Choose key events and use these to summarise the plot.Year 4 Week 10 Day 2

Day 3 – Completing a cloze activity on Henry’s Freedom Box. Reading an information text about slavery and answering questions. Writing in role. Year 4 Week 10 Day 3

Day 4 – Read a classic poem: ‘Sea Fever’. Revise possessive apostrophes and complete an exercise. Practise reading the poem aloud. Year 4 Week 10 Day 4

Day 5 – Read a classic poem: ‘Amulet’. Revise possessive apostrophes. Write a poem based on the one read.Year 4 Week 10 Day 5

I love this poem. Hope you do too!

Guided Reading

Daily Reading Ancient Egypt Activity 5 – Print Friendly

Mummy Poem Poster

Ancient Egyptian Poem Activity Sheet

Maths-This week we will be working with money


Lesson 1 – Estimate answers

Answers Monday 22nd June Estimate answers


Lesson 2 – Checking strategies

Answers Tuesday 23rd June Checking strategies

Wednesday-Lesson 3



Thursday-Lesson 4


Lesson-4-Answers-Four-operations (1)



Science-Let’s get back to our exciting electricity topic:

L.O- I can answer an enquiry about conductors and insulators

Enquiry question-What materials would you use instead of wires in a circuit?

Read this news story about soldiers wearing ‘smart’ clothing which conducts electricity:


Can you remember what the terms conductors and insulators mean? Watch this video if you are unsure-


Why do you think a soldier need to be able to conduct electricity?


Think of a soldier in the desert that has ripped part of his ‘smart’ clothing and therefore lost part of the circuit in his GPS system. As he has no other navigation guides he is unable to provide his location for rescue. Which materials are used to make electric circuits? Why they think these materials are used? The soldier has a pack containing a variety of objects. Which could be used to complete a circuit to activate his GPS to save him?

Choose from the objects pictured below:

He has a cotton back pack, a plastic cover note pad, a tin water flask, metal dog tags (identification necklaces) and a wooden shovel.

How could you find out whether electricity can pass through the materials?

Can you write an investigation to help to choose which material you could use? Focus on recording their results and explaining what the results show. It could look something like this:

Results (Imagined-What do you think you would have found out?)


Then you will need to produce a radio or video message to send to the soldier explaining what he needs to do to produce a working circuit therefore enabling his GPS and why they are confident that this will work providing scientific evidence to reassure him! You will need to provide a list of all possible conductors in case some are damaged when he comes to use them. You could video this message and post on Class Dojo or write a script.

After you have completed this activity please self-assess using the following criteria. If you send me this self-assessment on Class Dojo I will add you 10 dojo points! You might need to ask a parent to help you with this bit.

Meeting expectation: I can describe the circuit involved in the soldiers suit and explain how my experiments results (orally/written form) would show that (in general) metals conduct electricity and other materials don’t.

Exceeding expectations: As above for meeting, but I can also suggest other items to fit into the pattern and explore exceptions to the rule. I can apply the terms conduct/insulate to explain safety rules, e.g. not putting knife in toaster.

Art-If you enjoyed making mask try designing and making a necklace or some other Egyptian jewellery out of recycled materials

Paper plate or cardboard from your recycling

Find out all about ancient Egyptian jewellery


I.C.T-This week have a break from coding to revise internet safety. Play the game Band Runner

Watch the 3 films if you have time. Could you record your own video teaching next year’s year four classes what you have learnt? Alternatively you could design a poster to show what you now know.


We are continuing with our exploration of the past continuous tense. Try the exercises, answers on the following slides. There is also a section about constellations and the stories behind them. Maybe you can have a go at stargazing and see which you can spot? Let us know if you find any!Latin past continuous and constellations


Please continue to have a go at music maker or try some of the new songs on Out of the Ark