Year Four Home Learning Week Beginning 8th June 2020

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Here is your home learning for the week:

Remember do a little each day and don’t feel that you need to get everything completed[/dropshadowbox]

English-Let’s listen to the classic legend-Sinbad the Sailor

Monday 8th June – Listen to the first part of the story of Sinbad’s fifth voyage. Retell the story. Year 4 Week 12 Day 1

Revise or learn about conjunctions and practise joining clauses.     Conjunctions and Prepositions with audio

Tuesday 9th June – Listen to the second part of Sinbad’s story. Retell the story. Revise prepositions and use these to form expanded noun phrases and good descriptions. Year 4 Week 12 Day 2

Wednesday 10th June – Listen to the last part of the story of Sinbad. Retell the story.  Do creative writing, using prepositions to add description and conjunctions to join clauses. Year 4 Week 12 Day 3

Thursday 11th June – Read several humorous poems. Research vocabulary. Learn a poem by heart. Year 4 Week 12 Day 4

Friday 12th June – Read a draft poem and notice amendments to improve it. Write own poem, making several drafts. Perform poem. Year 4 Week 12 Day 5

Guided Reading-

Read chapter two of the text-Osiris or listen on this YouTube clip and complete the activities below during the week. Next week we will be looking at chapter three.The Story of Osiris

Remember if you are working below the year four curriculum you have been set reading books on Reading Planet that are for your ability. Click on the link and access books especially chosen for your child. Their user name is their first name with a capital letter for example, Anna and their password is planet. The centre id is 211526.

Activities for The Story of Osiris:

Daily Reading Ancient Egypt Activity 2 – Print Friendly

At the Party! Activity Sheet


Maths-This week we will be revising place value and adding with exchanging. If you work through this revision quickly, choose an nrich activity to do from I recommend this activity if you are not sure where to start- magic v


Lesson 1 – 1s, 10s, 100s, 1,000s 2019


Lesson 2 – Add two digit numbers – no exchange 2019

Wednesday-Watch video to revise what you need to remember when adding with

Lesson 3 – Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange 2019


Lesson 4 – Add two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange 2019

Friday-Look out for the maths challenge which is updated during the week.


Further support-What is column addition

Remember Mathletics is updated every week to give you three new activities to try. You can then do any other activity or play games on live Mathletics to earn points. Those children with certificates for earning more than 1,000 points each week will have their certificate shared on Class Dojo.

If your child normally works with Miss Alvarez they can try these lessons if they find the year four learning too hard.  Please contact Miss Danzey on Class Dojo if you would like the sheets which go along with these lessons.

Science-Let’s get back to our exciting electricity topic:

L.O- I can recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit

Splendid Switches

Activity Sheet Investigating Switches


I.C.T-This week have a go at coding a flappy game



L.O-I know what Muslim’s believe


Art-Have a go at making an Egyptian God or Goddess mask. Please post photos of your mask and you wearing your mask to Class Dojo.

paper plate

mask if bought one or paper and pens if not




Watch the following video clip and read the PowerPoint

Mummification(1) (1)

You may have already had a go at mummifying a tomato. If you haven’t tried this yet, you should it is great fun! Have a go at drawing or writing a set of instructions for mummification.

If you can’t remember the steps to success for instruction writing, check out this BBC Bitesize clip for help



As well as our normal music opportunities from Out of the Ark, we also have access to making music from Croydon Music and Arts.

The password is


This week on Out of the Ark, there are songs about recycling. Singing can be a good way to cheer yourself up, so why not give it a try?



This week we are starting to learn a new tense. Very exciting! Over the next few weeks, we will start looking at how to translate verbs in the past tense and learning their different forms. New tense

We are also looking at Aristotle’s views of the meden agan. He was a famous Greek philosopher who believed that the key to being a good person was to always choose the meden agan or middle path. He advised that nothing should be done without careful consideration and picking the middle path. Can you suggest what the extremes would be for each of his emotions? The  first has been done for you and the answers will appear after each mouse click.