Year Four Home Learning Wk Beginning 11th May 2020

Another week of learning at home! Hope you all enjoyed the fabulous weather over the bank holiday. Please remember to share any pictures of you VE day celebrations with us on Class Dojo!

Thank you all for your continuing efforts and for sharing all your amazing work with us each week on Class Dojo!


Guided Reading-

Reading Planet had a few glitches this week as so many children have been using the programme during lock down and some of you were not able to see the books to read. Let me know on Class Dojo if this happens again and I can reset the book for you straight away.

An Indian Folklore book for you to enjoy this week. Find the follow up activities on the last two pages of this docement.

JustOneGrainofRiceandOtherIndianFolktales (1) (1)




Day One; Watch the following video and then complete the tasks to revise fronted adverbials and write, or draw, a day out you would like

If you need some help remembering adverbial phrases, you could use this PowerPoint Adverbials_v2_with_audio or have a look at this BBC Bitesize page for ideas

Day two; Today, you will look at contrasting opinions of zoos and think about what your own opinion might be. You will then write a letter, or some sentences, to describe why you think animals in zoos should be treated well Tuesday May 12th

Day three; First using a picture, then the video below, write some detailed descriptions of foxes and read the poems, you can then design illustrations or write your own poem Wednesday May 13th

Day four; Today, working from pictures, you will be thinking about descriptions and how to express your opinions clearly. Then, there are poems to compare and contrast Thursday 14th May

Day five; Pictures and poems about thunderstorms today. Practise reading the first poem aloud and tell your grown ups what you like about it. Then read the other poems and answer some questions about them Friday 15th May

Maths- Activity worksheets are no longer available, but follow the link to BBC Bitesize after watching the video. The activities here are also good.

Day one; Solving multiplication and division problems

Day two;- Perimeter of rectangles

Day three; Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Day four; Area counting squares

Day five; BBC Bitesize challenge


Science-L.O-I can begin to recognise conductors and insulators.

Watch the video tutorial. Try the balloon static experiment if you have any balloon. If not, don’t worry about buying any, James and I will do an experiment video for you on Class Dojo then you can use the results in your experiment.

Stop the video tutorial as you go to answer and complete the activities.

Try something easier-   Insulators and Conductors tab on the bottom of the game.

If you have time, try some of the foundation subject activities below. You can pick and choose and shouldn’t feel pressured to complete everything!

I.C.T-We hope you are enjoying this term’s lessons on coding. Try creating a sports game this week. Watch the inspiring video from famous sports people first, keep an eye open for the late Kobi Bryant, Neymar Junior and Sergio Ramos.

Go further and design and code a game for another sport too.


Watch the video to find out all about the tradition of making masks in Africa. Choose 3 masks to look carefully at and sketch them.  Begin to find out how Picasso was influenced by African masks in his portrait painting.

You could go further and make or draw your own mask like the ones shown in the videos below. Remember to take photos and upload them to Class Dojo. This week, we will be sharing some of the fantastic work you have been posted for your classes to see on Class Dojo.


Music- More home singing to keep everyone cheerful. Try and learn a new song!

Latin- This week after our usual recaps, you will be learning about noun and adjective agreements. Then you will be looking at Homeric epic. We know very little about Homer other than his name. We don’t even know when his stories were originally sang at a fireside gathering in Ancient Greece Latin Nouns, adjectives and epic

Homeric epic stories

History- This week we are looking at Egyptian Heiroglyphs. A form of Egyptian writing. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Very few Egyptians could read and write, it was a skill reserved for only the smartest boys of rich families. Can you have a go at writing a secret message in heiroglyphs? Egyptian alphabet

If you want to learn more and test your knowledge, try this site and its quiz at the end

Happy learning this week Year Four! As always, just do the work that you can and please let us know how you are doing on Class Dojo!