Year Four Weekly Blog 10th June 2019
Thank you for all your support cheering your children on at Sports Day. What a fantastic day!
This week year four will be learning:
Literacy-This week we will be learning about successful opening to narrative stories and using inverted commas in writing.
Maths-We will be learning about types of angles including obtuse, acute and right-angles. as well as identifying angles in shapes
Topic-After learning about religion and deities, we will be learning why Ancient Egyptians built pyramids.
P.E-We will be continuing net and wall sports, focusing on volleyball
I.C.T-We will be using scratch to design toy prototypes
Science-We will be starting a unit on electricity finding out what we already know and building on this learning.
Dates for the diary
Non-uniform day-Thursday 13th June-bring a bottle for the school fair.