Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 20.1.2020

Our Learning This Week:

Maths-We will be learning the properties of triangles in order to identify and names isosceles, scalene, equilateral and right-angled triangles. Children will continue to revise the properties and vocabulary associated with 2-d shapes. For example, perpendicular, parallel, quadrilateral,adjacent,diagonal,bisect,polygon. We will then be moving on to coordinates reading and plotting points in a 10 by 10 grid.

There are many online games your child can play to consolidate this learning. We have used these websites in class:

English-We will be reading the Great Kapok Tree boxing up the story to understand the structure and writer’s techniques before innovating our own animal addition to the story.

Feel free to read along with us

Topic-We are starting our Geography unit-The Rainforest by learning about the climate.

R.E-During P.P.A, with Miss Symes, children will be learning about bible stories. Children have been invited to share their personal bibles if they wish.

I.C.T-During P.P.A, with Mrs Forde, children will be learning about Logo.


P.E will take place on Tuesdays or Friday and Thursdays-Children will need their full p.e kit including tracksuit bottoms or leggings for outside P.E.

Daily Reading at home is essential. Please sign your child’s book to show this is happening.

Homework will continue to be given out on a Friday to be completed for the following Friday. All children are expected to complete homework unless this is prearranged with their class teacher.

Please let us know if you have lost the homework then we can provide another copy.