Year Four Weekly Blog-Week beginning 22nd February 2021

Welcome back to Spring term 2 Year Four. This week we will be holding daily live lessons at 11.30 for you all as well as lots of fun lessons to keep you learning remotely. The links to join our live lessons will go live at 11.25 each day on your Google Classroom stream.


Remember to join us for merit card assembly with Key Stage Two at 9.15am on Friday too.


This week we will be learning:

Maths-to recognise tenths as decimals.

English-to write our own characters into our class version of-The Great Kapok Tree.

Science-what amplitude means and how we can protect our ears.

R.E-so of the exterior and interior features of a mosque.

Geography-to identify the key biomes on Earth.

Spanish-to recognise some verbs in Spanish.

Music-to explore percussion

Here is your weekly timetable with links.

Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 22.2.21

Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 22.2.21