Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 27.1.2020
Our Learning This Week:
Maths-We will be learning to describe movements of coordinates on a grid as translations. We will then be multiplying and dividing by 6 and 9.
There are many online games your child can play to consolidate this learning. We have used these websites in class:
English-We will be learning to understand and infer a poet’s motivation using the poem-For forest by Grace Nichols. We will be performing our own version of the poem and exploring our likes and dislikes with poems around the rain forest theme.
Topic-We will be looking at the climate in a rain forest.
Science-A part of our Science and Geography topics we will be having an exciting visitor to spend an afternoon or morning with each class. Ranger Russ brings a variety of animals from rain forest habitats to share with the children. For more information see the attached letter which will be going home on Monday.
For more information take a look at Ranger Russ’ website
Dates for the diary:
Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 12th and Tuesday 17th March